On your way home from work? Place a programmed NFC Tag on your car dash that will send a message to your loved ones letting them know you're leaving the office and on your way home with just one touch of your cell phone. You can also program the NFC tag at the same time to activate your bluetooth to auto pair it with your car stereo and play your favorite songs. How about auto activate your phone's GPS to help you navigate. A lot more things you can do apart from these.

Check out our NFC Tags today. 

Going to bed soon?
Don't forget to set your alarm for tomorrow. You can place a programmed NFC Tag on your nightstand, activating specific settings when touched by your phone. Set an alarm time, enable the alarm and turn silent mode. You can activate application like your favorite bedtime song to play as well. Lastly, don't forget to send auto sms to your love one too.
All these can be done with single tap on your NFC tag. Try this and share your experience with us.

NFC Tag tap-n-go.weebly.com
NFC Tag in a nutshell
NFC tags can be programmed to do many different things. Using free android application downloaded from Playstore, you can create your own settings on your phone, such as launch applications, check-in to places, update social status, or even make phone calls or send text messages automatically. Once your done , put your NFC sticker/tag any place you want, then tap your phone on it to perform the action stored in the NFC Sticker. Makes your life simplier and more convenient

Congratulations! We have reached another milestone, our  Canada branch is now OPEN.
NFC Tags are now available and ready for distribution anytime within Canada.
Kindly visit our NFC tags link to verify the types of tags you need. If you have further queries, requests or comments, feel free to drop us a mail. Thanks :)

Like us on our new facebook page.
We aim to help you reach us on all types of social media. This is our first initiative and hope you like it.

Like Us and Click above.
Sony NFC enabled speaker
Sony , one of the biggest manufacturer, embraces NFC technology.
They have released latest products inthe market with NFC enabled which includes, SRS - BTV5.  It states that pairing your NFC smartphone with the Sony Wireless Speaker is easy. One touch and the portable speaker is paired and ready to be heard. If someone near you  wants their music heard, they can touch the speaker with their (NFC) smartphone. This includes couple more products like SRS-BTX300 and SRS - BTX500 - portable wireless speaker on the pipleline and upcoming Sony's Bravia NFC enabled TVs and Sony headset NFC enabled gadgets , SRS - BTM5 and SRS- BTM8.
Check out for more info : http://www.sony.co.uk/product/mfi-wireless-speakers/srs-btx300



    Sharing and building the most of NFC technology.


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